We started the session with some body massages and then went into pairs work.
In pairs we were focusing on the body movement, especially the spinal column, where we had to respond to the actions of are pair. This then moved into holding are pairs backwards which resulted in Lindsey and I falling over. After this I worked with Gaby on action work where we had to respond to impulses created by our pair.
We worked on a scene involving mannequins using Aleksi's gestures for his 'Kagda Molod’ piece.
The scene stars with Marin as the girl walking on and siting down on the floor, after 2 bars the mannequins walk on and stop went Marin looks at then. She goes over a touches Alona but nothing happens. Marin returns to her seat but then Alona moves resulting in all the mannequins looking at Marin, She notices that we have moved but Aleksi appears so she hides pretending to be a mannequin. Aleksi moves Lindsey into position and when his back is turned we all move into position. Aleksi then conducts us in 'Kagda Molod’.
We then wen over the Card scene with the song 'Gilong Gilong' sung by the women and the Men playing cards.
At the end of the scene we lifted Marin up in the air.
I enjoyed learning about the spinal movement although I was a bit shaken after falling over.
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