Saturday, 9 May 2015


The main struggle in the process of performance project was energy levels.
I know that I am a worrier, and I hate getting things wrong, so I always felt nervous about having high energy levels as I know I am not one of the loudest in the class and I try to be consistent.
As a collective we work at are best when everyone is putting there all into the work. It can be noted that at the moments of low energy everyone felt effected. Anna has amazing energy especially when the class seem to hold back. I feel that because Anna showed us how to continue though tiredness a valuable lesson was learnt in the process, which is to put everything into the moment and support others.
Energy levels were the biggest obstacle. Even when we had learnt the music and lyrics it was the lack of energy that could bring the pieces down. When we were around the piano the energy levels were better but not always satisfactory. So when we moved away from the piano the energy drop really effected the pieces. Once we had decided as a collective to work together, which happened rather silently around the last four weeks, the effect was enormous and the strength of the piece grew as well as the energy levels

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