Thursday, 7 May 2015

The final running order

Performance Project running order:

1.       Everyone around the room.

2.       Everyone moves around the piano.

3.       Everyone interacts in rhubarb.

4.       Three people change places, and every time selected people make a noise it is a gesture for a change of positions.

5.       The boys introduce a bass to follow

6.       Introduction of  the story gestures such as: day, night, father and daughter.

7.       When the gesture of daughter is used Marin is identified as the Daughter

8.       Aleksi identified as the Father

9.       Three pairs of Fathers and Daughters use the Father and Daughter sound scope.

10.   The remainder of the Ensemble support and the paired work and hum the island song

11.   End paired work

12.   Group interact and Laura places chair

13.   Ensemble face the exit door opposite to Father and Daughter

14.    breath work followed by Aleksi's Kagda Molod’ with harmonies

15.   boys follow Aleksi's gestures, and girls guide Marin to the chair that Laura moves, boys move to card table

16.   Boys start the gambling scene and girls put Marin to sleep

17.   Lindsey acts as narrator and starts the gambling rant that crescendos to wake Marin

18.   Girls eee...eeeh and move around the gambling table and Daughter tries to look in

19.   There is a pause and then the girls beat the 'Dash Boq' rhythm

20.   The gambling scene continues and breath is used to follow 'Dash Boq'

21.   David become the Beast and the Father loses Daughter

22.   Mutation of gambling scene into 'Gilom Gilom' where David transforms fully into the beast and the father and daughter are separated resulting in Marin being lifted in the air.

23.   She is place in front of David and the ensemble place themselves around the room

24.   Aleksi become the Valet by putting on the white skirt and gesturing to the Chores that he is the Valet

25.   The Chores acknowledge Aleksi as Valet and move behind piano

26.   Valet, Beast and Daughter interact as Chores hums 'the Waltz song'

27.   Valet interacts with Chores with whispers

28.   The Beast becomes angry and David storms towards the Window

29.   Chores become animalistic and move in the circle around Marin

30.   All sing 'Here Streams Run Deep' from the 'Island song' as Marin falls against the sides of the circle

31.   At the end the Ensemble become clockwork and follow Aleksi's gestures but become out of control and the Valet cannot stop them

32.   There is a sound scope and at the end Marin jumps on Aleksi and the Beast stops the clockworks

33.   The Beast and Daughter have a silent moment and touch hand leading to a dance

34.   The Chores watch and breathe in accordance to the dance

35.   This leads to' the Waltz song' and dance

36.   Marin/ Daughter starts' the Coming of Age' dance

37.   Everyone gradually joins and departs to the piano

38.   Daughter finishes dance and becomes sleepy

39.   Girls use the sleeping gestures to guide Daughter to chair to sleep

40.   Major eee...eeeh wakes Marin up and girls disperse

41.   Boys are still drunkenly gambling and leaving the scene

42.   Aleksi and Marin have a Father Daughter moment

43.   Marin uses gesture to end the piece and the whole Chores join in on 'Family'

44.   The Chores perform the whole of 'the Island Song'

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